Do you like simplicity in design as I do?

Being a part of Bonnie&Slide freelancers’ database one day I have participated in competition for the project named “AISA”. It was a tender between 20+ designers – each one provided a presentation concept for AISA and the company had to choose a winner.

AISA is an ambitious start up which is about to provide clients with best sales assistants ever existed…and not humans – AI assistants!

And I was so lucky to win the competition!

When we started to discuss the concept with client I quickly realized - we share the same view on design principles:
- simplicity
- meaningfulness
- avoiding overdesign
- right emphasis for text
- text wordplays usage.
I'm a big fan of wordplays, by the way. Like Bill Gates always says: if you want to be an EXCELlent player, just come to the Office.
Well, you see? A huge fan 😅
So, I’m not talking Tinder, but that was a perfect match for me and the client.
We were able to find different creative ways to help the client to present AISA.
- starting with wordplays for AI like “IT’S AILIVE SOON” and “AISTONISHINGLY BRILLIANT”
- playing with different meanings for AISA words: like “An Ideal Sales assistant”
- “ruins your sales”: we literally made the U from rUins to “fall” out of the word
- we made very simple comparisons “AISA vs human” and “AISA vs other AIs’’ like chat GPT.

And most importantly…We haven’t used any robot in presentation. I am confident that using stock robots’ images in IT presentation (or AI presentation) is becoming an anti-trend. In my opinion, It makes your presentation look cheaper and shows lazy designer approach for work.

I hope everyone finds its dream project! Like AISA was for me.


